The Paula Sanford Foundation

Gifting Statement / Non - Solicitation Forms

The (PSF) is a private foundation, which provides grants to individuals, religious groups & organizations. I am not funded by the government, nor do I solicit cash donations from individuals. However, as an individual, that desires to give, (in the spirit of helping others), it is lawful for an individual to gift another individual up to $13,000. (IRS Publication 950 )

Therefore, as a private individual, if you would like to give a cash gift, it is most welcomed. In doing such, you will be provided with a copy of the private & confidential gifting statement & non - solicitation forms, as a record of your giving. Which states that you are giving a gift, of your own free will and are not expecting anything in return, for doing such.

We are in no way giving tax advice. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding taxes & cash gifting, please refer to your tax advisor.

Upon receipt of your gift, copies of the forms below, will be emailed to you for your records.

Please provide your preferred email address for our records.
Your Gift of Any Amount
Is greatly appreciated
Gifting Statement

Private and Confidential

I, __________________________, do hereby declare under penalties of perjury that the following statements are true and correct to the very best of my knowledge. Any and all property of any nature that I transfer from my ownership and possession to the recipient of my gift is intended as a gift and not as an investment. I have not been sold anything, and I have not been offered any opportunity to do so.

I have been told not to expect any return of any nature, and I have received no license or privilege of soliciting or recruiting other parties. I will not at any time ask for this gift to be returned to me and with this statement, I waive any and all my rights to civil or criminal remedies against the recipient of my gift.  

I perceive no agreement between myself and the recipient of my gift, and I expect no profit, benefit, or opportunity of any nature in consideration of the property that I have transferred as a gift. I believe that I am totally within the law, as it pertains to my activities herein described.

My intent is to give a gift of $______to; Paula Sanford, as an individual. (On behalf of the PSF).

I do not intend the gift as an investment, nor as a payment for which I am owed anything of value; furthermore, I acknowledge that my gift does not entitle me to any future opportunity or benefit of any nature. I understand only gifts may be offered to a recipient and that no property may be offered with the intent of its owner suggesting a future return.  

I have agreed under this gift statement to not reassert any right to the property that I now give freely as a gift to another individual. I am a fully informed and consenting adult and I have not been misled in anyway.  

I do hereby declare that the foregoing statement is true and correct, and is binding upon me to the full extent expressed herein.

Executed this ___ day of _______, 2011  

SIGNATURE _______________________________Print Name__________________________

Address,___________________________ City,_____________________ State,_____________________ Zip__________

* By participating in this activity you have in no way purchased a "position" or "spot". You have not purchased the right to make money or proceeds and you have in no way purchased the right to benefit from gifting. It simply means that you have given a gift and the participation with this activity is logged and recorded.


Private and Confidential



Dear Sir or Madam:

I, the undersigned, hereby confirm with full personal and legal responsibility, that I have requested this information of my own free will and accord, and that I am not seeking investment opportunities.

I hereby affirm that the information that I am requesting is about a private gifting activity.  

I hereby confirm that neither you nor anyone on your behalf or anyone else associated with your activity has solicited me in any way. All parties state as truth that they are not employees or officials in or of any agency, and are not a member of the media whose purpose is to collect information for defamation or prosecution. All parties agree that falsification of this criteria entitles the party defrauded thereby is entitled to $100,000.00 (U.S.) for violation of rights against forced association.

Any documents or information received by me will not be construed as solicitation in any way whatsoever. I further affirm that I have been told that the nature of these activities is that of charity and I affirm that my involvement with gifting is solely a voluntary act of my own accord. I also understand that should I get involved with gifting that my gift will be just that, a gift, and it is nothing to which I may lay claim in the future; it is a gift.  

It is agreed that a fax copy will be considered legal and enforceable as an original.

Sincerely yours, 



Print Name_______________________

    Please provide us with your contact information.